Saunders Technology

Saunders invented the ventilated plastic armguard in 1957. Since then the plastic armguard has evolved and now is even more comfortable and great looking. Many have copied our designs but none surpass the tough durability, ease of use, and comfort of these two designs.
Diamond Defender™ Hunters understand the dangers of human scent. Leather armguards are scent magnets. Our Diamond Defender’s 4″ x 7 1/2″ open design blends with camo jackets, is cool, comfortable, lightweight, and will not absorb odors. It’s durable, washable, and wide to keep even a heavy jacket tucked in. This archery armguard will not curl or crack. Hooks latch easily and quietly. Adjustable elastic straps. Choice of the serious hunter.
On-Guard™ is a clean, 3″ x 5 1/2″ open design, cool, comfortable, and at home on the line or the range. It will not curl or crack. Quick-hook adjustable elastic.
The Aro-Gate™ arrow rest features quiet, low drag gates that fold away to clear the shaft for accuracy and speed while self-centering any size shaft. An ideal archery rest for novice or expert. Aro-Gate™ with its unique structure is simple, quiet, and efficient.

Saunders invented the dual-stage gentle radius point. The Saunders Combo™ Point is still the industry standard. Low Drag & Matt Wear. These Combo™ field/bullet tip arrowheads are endorsed by 3-D and foam target manufacturers. This bullet point arrowhead reduces matt wear and aerodynamic drag.
The Saunders Firing-Line™ release trainer is both popular on the circuit and in pro shops. It strikes the perfect balance being both a compact tool and an essential training aid.
Release Aid Trainer & Checker Firing-Line™ is the ultimate training tool for archers. So compact, it stows in a briefcase…perfect for practicing anywhere, anytime. With the quick draw-length adjustment, this firing-line bow trainer is great for warming up and tuning a release or muscles. Even better, it can overcome everyone’s nemesis…target panic. Never worry about throwing an arrow…just aim the archery release trainer and practice the perfect release, time after time. With each smooth and quiet shot, you burn in muscle memory so when it's the real thing, you burn the x-ring or the kill zone. Adjusts from 32 3/8 inch to 24-inch draw length. The optional three-pound weight set gives you the feel of your bow.

Power Pull™ archery release trainer is an upper Body Conditioner. Don’t wait till the hunting or tournament season to get in shape. Build stronger back, arms, and chest muscles in the first week with Saunders’ archery shot trainer. Pull one band high reps for improving muscle tone or two bands to increase muscle mass (two bands pull about 70# at 31″). It comes with or without weights. The bow simulation weights make the unit comparable to your fully equipped bow. The archery bow trainer is easy to take on a trip or to use to relax at work. Recommended by rehab specialist. The unit comes with light (purple) and medium (yellow) bands. Picture is shown with the light (purple) and heavy (green) bands.